Friday 24 April 2020

Famous Artwork

Today we watched a video about famous art. Then we had to answer some questions, and after that re-create the artwork that we picked.


1. What is the name of the piece of art?

The Starlight Night

2. Who is the artist?

Vincent Van Gogh

3. What country did the artist come from?


4. What are 3 facts about the artist?

On December 23, he slashed off part of his right ear. 
He only ever sold 1 of his paintings in his entire life.
He had a variety of jobs including supply teacher and bookseller.

5. What does the artwork represent?

His quest to overcome his illness

6. Where is it currently on display?

The Museum of Modern Art

7. When was the artwork completed?


8. Why did you choose this art?

Because of the texture and colour

Here is the photo of my art.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Made up Animals

Today I watched a video where kids described a made up animal to an illustrator. Then we were given the task of making our own, out of parts of real animals or one completely made up.
Then, we had to answer some questions. Here they are.

1. What were the steps the artist took before he got his finished product?

First, they talked a little about what it looked like, then he started to sketch the kids ideas. After, he went over it with a pen.

2. Did he go strait into using ink? Why or why not?

No, because you need an idea of what it's going to look like, and if you mess up, you don't have to restart.

3.What are you're favourite animals?

I like Koalas, Rabbits, Cats, Dogs, and Pandas.

4. What are some animals you don't like?

Snakes, Sharks.

5. If you could take features from animals and mix them, what would you choose?

I did a mix of a Koala, a Rabbit, and a Cat, some of my favourite animals mentioned earlier.

6. What would you call it?

I called mine a Kobbat, a mix of the three names of my animals.

Animal Interview


Do you think birds can understand the whistling language?


I think it's possible that they can understand it to some extent.


Can animals talk to each other?


I think that if they are in a similar group, like all cats, they might be able to talk to each other.


How do we know they can talk to each other?


I don't think we do know right now, but we might in the future.


Can animals understand humans? Give an example.


Again, I think it's possible that animals can understand the language to some extent, but not completely. I think to talk to an animal you have to sound exactly like them.


If you could speak to animals, what would you say?


I would ask them what it's like in their habitat, what they like to do.


Would you give up talking to humans to talk to animals? Why?


I wouldn't give up communication to humans to talk to animals. I think humans and animals have a bond without needing to talk.

My Questions for a dog:                       The dogs answers:

A. What is it like to be a dog?               Fun, you get to run around a lot.

B. Who is your family?                         I have an owner named Sara, and lots of brothers and sisters.

C. Do you like it?                                  I like being a dog, it's really fun.

D. How energetic are you?                    Very.

E. What is your name?                           Cookie.

F. What is your favourite toy?               I have a tennis ball that I play with all the time.

G. Where do you like to go on walks?  I go on really long walks over bridges and in parks.

H. What do you like to do?                   I play with my siblings and owner almost all day.

I. Where are you most of the time?       Outside at parks and fields.

J. Can you talk to your siblings?           Yes, but only a little bit.

Garden Art


What are the steps to take to create sculptures out of garden stuff?


Go out to your garden, find some things, bring them inside, and arrange them to make an insect!


Are they realistic? Are they easy to make?


They can be as realistic as you want to make them. It takes a little bit of time to get good at it, but they're quite easy to make.


How do you choose the animals to make?


It depends on what you have and what the insect looks like.


What do you have in your backyard?


I have plenty of flowers and foliage, some branches and seeds.


What could you use to make a sculpture?


I used leaves and sticks to make my one, but again, for you it depends on what you want to make and what you have.


What insect would you choose?


I chose to make a butterfly out of red leaves and small twigs, but you can make whatever you want!

Friday 17 April 2020

Haunted House

Me and my sister had been so bored during lockdown, we decided to go on an adventure. So we went to a haunted house. One of the dumbest ideas in dumb history. I barely made it out alive, but Hayley, my sister was fine. As we walked up to the house, an eerie sense came over me. But we still walked towards it. We entered through the rusty old metal door, and realised this wasn't the greatest ideas in history. But we still went on. We walked up the broken wooden stairs and I almost fell through one of the steps. Upstairs was an attic, with 2 beds on each side of the room. It was something like a guest bedroom, maybe were someone stayed for the summer. The window was broken, so we jumped out of it, and climbed up to the platform on the roof, one that we saw as we walked down the drive. We sat up there for hours and hours, not doing a thing but staring at the sun set. Then we heard footsteps behind us, so we jumped down so quickly from the platform that I broke my leg. I couldn't get out of there on my own, so Hayley had to drag me out of the place, and all the way home. That was the craziest night of my life. And I will never go back there and neither will my sister. But our friends did, and they never came back. Now all I hear at night is footsteps, and loud screams of my friends, and an occasional flash of a light outside my bedroom window. I think I'll be paranoid for life.