Friday 31 July 2020

How your Eyes Work

How your Eyes Work

In order for us to see, light has to enter the black spot in the middle of our eye, called the pupil. The pupil changes sizes with the help of the coloured ring around the edge of your pupil, known as the iris, which is a muscle. By opening and closing the pupil, the iris can control how much light enters the eye. If light is too bright, the pupil will shrink to let in less light, to protect the eye. If it is dark, the iris will open the pupil so more light can enter. 

Once the light enters the eye, it passes through fluids and lands on the retina. The retina will then turn the light rays into signals that our brain will understand. The retina uses light sensitive cells called rodsand cones. The rods are extra sensitive to light and can help us see in the dark. The cones are to help us see colour. There are three types of cones that help us see different colours: Red green and blue, like the pixels on tv screens.

Friday 24 July 2020

1970's Aesthetic Poster

Today wemade posters on the 1970's.
I hope you like it.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

It's a Small World

Today I had to complete a task where i had to research 5 landmarks, write where they came from and one fact for each one. I hope you like it.

The Grand Canyon

Where: Arizona

One fact: The grand canyon is 277 miles (446 km) in length.

Mount Fuji

Where: Yamanashi and Shizuoka, Japan

One fact: Mount Fuji is made up of three volcanoes.


Where: Australia's southwest area of the northern territory, close to Yulara

One fact: Uluru is estimated to be around 600 million years old. 

Eiffel Tower

Where: Paris, France

One fact: It was the tallest structure in the world until 1930.

Fox Glacier

Where: West coast of the south island, NZ

One fact: Fox glacier is among the most accesible glaciers in the world, with around 1000 visits every day in the popular tourist season.