Wednesday 25 November 2020



Today we did a task on translation. Hope you like it!

Monday 23 November 2020

Line of Reflection


Today we did a task on the line of Reflection. It works a lot like a mirror, flipping the image horizontally or vertically. Hope you like it.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Camels Reading Task


Today I made a poster on how a camel can survive in the desert.
Hope you like it!

Friday 16 October 2020

Animal Habitats Reading Task


Today I made a poster on animal habitats. Hope you like it!

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Titanic Poster


Today I made a poster on the Titanic for reading. We had to include facts about it's sinking and photos of the ship. Hope you like it!

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Tourist Reading Task


Today I made a poster on the top 5 tourist attractions in Canada.

Hope you like it!

Monday 24 August 2020

Distance Reading Task

 Today I had to research the distance between these places:

Sapporo to Beijing:

2,098 km

San Francisco to Ottawa:

4,620 km

Hobart to Egypt:

14,091 km

Then I had to find 3 facts about 3 of these places, so I chose:


1. The population of Beijing is 21.54 million.

2. Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world.

3. Beijing is the second-largest city in China.

San Francisco:

1. San Francisco's population is 883,305.

2. San Francisco's nickname is "The Golden City"

3. The Golden Gate Bridge, a bridge in San Francisco is 2,737 meters long.


1. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

2. Ottawa's population is 994,837.

3. Ottawa's area is 2,790 km.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Combination Key Poster


Today I did a poster on the characteristics of kindness and the ways we can show it. I hope you like it! 

Monday 17 August 2020

Variation Key Poster


Today we had to create a poster on how to show kindness. I hope you like it!

Animal Catagories

 Today we had to find 3 animals in each of these different catagories:








Pygmy possum













Friday 14 August 2020

Reverse Key Poster


Today I made a poster on things a kind person would never say.
Hope you like it!

Which Animal?

 For our reading task today we had to record the heaviest, fastest, loudest and smelliest animal.

The heaviest animal is the Blue Whale.

The fastest animal is the cheetah.

The loudest animal is the Blue Whale.

The smelliest animal is the skunk.

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Monday 3 August 2020

Friday 31 July 2020

How your Eyes Work

How your Eyes Work

In order for us to see, light has to enter the black spot in the middle of our eye, called the pupil. The pupil changes sizes with the help of the coloured ring around the edge of your pupil, known as the iris, which is a muscle. By opening and closing the pupil, the iris can control how much light enters the eye. If light is too bright, the pupil will shrink to let in less light, to protect the eye. If it is dark, the iris will open the pupil so more light can enter. 

Once the light enters the eye, it passes through fluids and lands on the retina. The retina will then turn the light rays into signals that our brain will understand. The retina uses light sensitive cells called rodsand cones. The rods are extra sensitive to light and can help us see in the dark. The cones are to help us see colour. There are three types of cones that help us see different colours: Red green and blue, like the pixels on tv screens.

Friday 24 July 2020

1970's Aesthetic Poster

Today wemade posters on the 1970's.
I hope you like it.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

It's a Small World

Today I had to complete a task where i had to research 5 landmarks, write where they came from and one fact for each one. I hope you like it.

The Grand Canyon

Where: Arizona

One fact: The grand canyon is 277 miles (446 km) in length.

Mount Fuji

Where: Yamanashi and Shizuoka, Japan

One fact: Mount Fuji is made up of three volcanoes.


Where: Australia's southwest area of the northern territory, close to Yulara

One fact: Uluru is estimated to be around 600 million years old. 

Eiffel Tower

Where: Paris, France

One fact: It was the tallest structure in the world until 1930.

Fox Glacier

Where: West coast of the south island, NZ

One fact: Fox glacier is among the most accesible glaciers in the world, with around 1000 visits every day in the popular tourist season.

Friday 19 June 2020

Fractions Work

Today we did some more fractions work. We've explained how to work out the problem in this poster.
I hope you like it!

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Responsibility Comic

Today we made Comics on responsibility at school!
I  Hope you like it!

Friday 5 June 2020

Otaki Gorge Poster

Today we made posters about the areas of Otaki!
I hope you like it!

Friday 29 May 2020

Term 2 Week 7 Weekly Reflection

My Weekly Reflection

One thing I enjoyed this week was making the class backgrounds.

One thing I learned this week is how to write a script.

I am looking forward to acting out our scripts.

I want to work on finishing my tasks.

I am grateful for the long weekend.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Classroom designs

Today we made designs for our learning planner on our class website! I hope you like it!

Reasons why Miss should pick mine:
They're simple and easy to find the right places to go
They look stylish ;)

Monday 25 May 2020

Earthquake Poster

Today we made posters on earthquakes, since there was one this morning 30km north-west of Levin! Stay safe and I hope you like it!

Friday 22 May 2020

Pukapuka Poster

Today we made posters about Pukapuka.
I hope you like it!

Respect Comic

Today we made Comics about respect, Sorry it's so big but at any other size you can't read it. 
I hope you like it!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Adverb Start Sentence Style

Today we have been learning about the adverb start sentence-style. The rule is to start with an adverb followed by a comma and the rest of your sentence.
Here are my ten sentences using the adverb start technique!

1. Effortlessly, Maia did a pirouette and a leap across the dance floor.

 2. Carefully, Lilly placed the vase back on the shelf.

3. Awkwardly, Ethan walked into the class and introduced himself.

4. Quietly, Ellie walked down to the basement to meet her friends.

5. Lazily, Toby rolled out of bed and got ready for school.

6. Quickly, Kayla ran after the bus, hoping to not get left behind.

7. Strangely, the girl had vanished.

8. Curiously, Allie walked forward, right into the smoke.

9. Tomorrow, there was going to be a festival to celebrate the arrival of autumn.

10. Worriedly, Jasmine ran after her sister, and stopped her from running into the traffic.

Monday 18 May 2020

A Window into my 2020 Lockdown

Today we made windows into our 2020 lockdown!
Hope you like it!

What's that Zoom?

Today we made a game called "What's that Zoom?"
I hope you like it!


Today we learnt about the PPDAC cycle, and then we had to make a google drawing explaining how the cycle works. Here's mine!

Monday 4 May 2020

Word Art

Today we made some word art for our daily blog task!

It had to include: Things we like, Our personality, and the things that make us happy!
Hope you like it!

Friday 24 April 2020

Famous Artwork

Today we watched a video about famous art. Then we had to answer some questions, and after that re-create the artwork that we picked.


1. What is the name of the piece of art?

The Starlight Night

2. Who is the artist?

Vincent Van Gogh

3. What country did the artist come from?


4. What are 3 facts about the artist?

On December 23, he slashed off part of his right ear. 
He only ever sold 1 of his paintings in his entire life.
He had a variety of jobs including supply teacher and bookseller.

5. What does the artwork represent?

His quest to overcome his illness

6. Where is it currently on display?

The Museum of Modern Art

7. When was the artwork completed?


8. Why did you choose this art?

Because of the texture and colour

Here is the photo of my art.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Made up Animals

Today I watched a video where kids described a made up animal to an illustrator. Then we were given the task of making our own, out of parts of real animals or one completely made up.
Then, we had to answer some questions. Here they are.

1. What were the steps the artist took before he got his finished product?

First, they talked a little about what it looked like, then he started to sketch the kids ideas. After, he went over it with a pen.

2. Did he go strait into using ink? Why or why not?

No, because you need an idea of what it's going to look like, and if you mess up, you don't have to restart.

3.What are you're favourite animals?

I like Koalas, Rabbits, Cats, Dogs, and Pandas.

4. What are some animals you don't like?

Snakes, Sharks.

5. If you could take features from animals and mix them, what would you choose?

I did a mix of a Koala, a Rabbit, and a Cat, some of my favourite animals mentioned earlier.

6. What would you call it?

I called mine a Kobbat, a mix of the three names of my animals.

Animal Interview


Do you think birds can understand the whistling language?


I think it's possible that they can understand it to some extent.


Can animals talk to each other?


I think that if they are in a similar group, like all cats, they might be able to talk to each other.


How do we know they can talk to each other?


I don't think we do know right now, but we might in the future.


Can animals understand humans? Give an example.


Again, I think it's possible that animals can understand the language to some extent, but not completely. I think to talk to an animal you have to sound exactly like them.


If you could speak to animals, what would you say?


I would ask them what it's like in their habitat, what they like to do.


Would you give up talking to humans to talk to animals? Why?


I wouldn't give up communication to humans to talk to animals. I think humans and animals have a bond without needing to talk.

My Questions for a dog:                       The dogs answers:

A. What is it like to be a dog?               Fun, you get to run around a lot.

B. Who is your family?                         I have an owner named Sara, and lots of brothers and sisters.

C. Do you like it?                                  I like being a dog, it's really fun.

D. How energetic are you?                    Very.

E. What is your name?                           Cookie.

F. What is your favourite toy?               I have a tennis ball that I play with all the time.

G. Where do you like to go on walks?  I go on really long walks over bridges and in parks.

H. What do you like to do?                   I play with my siblings and owner almost all day.

I. Where are you most of the time?       Outside at parks and fields.

J. Can you talk to your siblings?           Yes, but only a little bit.

Garden Art


What are the steps to take to create sculptures out of garden stuff?


Go out to your garden, find some things, bring them inside, and arrange them to make an insect!


Are they realistic? Are they easy to make?


They can be as realistic as you want to make them. It takes a little bit of time to get good at it, but they're quite easy to make.


How do you choose the animals to make?


It depends on what you have and what the insect looks like.


What do you have in your backyard?


I have plenty of flowers and foliage, some branches and seeds.


What could you use to make a sculpture?


I used leaves and sticks to make my one, but again, for you it depends on what you want to make and what you have.


What insect would you choose?


I chose to make a butterfly out of red leaves and small twigs, but you can make whatever you want!

Friday 17 April 2020

Haunted House

Me and my sister had been so bored during lockdown, we decided to go on an adventure. So we went to a haunted house. One of the dumbest ideas in dumb history. I barely made it out alive, but Hayley, my sister was fine. As we walked up to the house, an eerie sense came over me. But we still walked towards it. We entered through the rusty old metal door, and realised this wasn't the greatest ideas in history. But we still went on. We walked up the broken wooden stairs and I almost fell through one of the steps. Upstairs was an attic, with 2 beds on each side of the room. It was something like a guest bedroom, maybe were someone stayed for the summer. The window was broken, so we jumped out of it, and climbed up to the platform on the roof, one that we saw as we walked down the drive. We sat up there for hours and hours, not doing a thing but staring at the sun set. Then we heard footsteps behind us, so we jumped down so quickly from the platform that I broke my leg. I couldn't get out of there on my own, so Hayley had to drag me out of the place, and all the way home. That was the craziest night of my life. And I will never go back there and neither will my sister. But our friends did, and they never came back. Now all I hear at night is footsteps, and loud screams of my friends, and an occasional flash of a light outside my bedroom window. I think I'll be paranoid for life.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Washing your Hands

Today we made posters about washing your hands to stop the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19).

Wednesday 18 March 2020


Today I finished my poster on shortcuts! Hope you like it!

Friday 13 March 2020

Week 6 Term 1 Weekly Reflection

Weekly Reflection

One thing I have enjoyed about school this week is Learning about Perimeters

One thing I have enjoyed this week is coming home from hospital

One thing I am looking forward to next week is the weekend

One thing i want to work on next week is getting my homework done

One thing I am grateful for is my family.


Today we made Posters about measuring Perimeters.
This post has an explanation on what a perimeter is and a few examples on how to measure them.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Rome facts

Today I had some free time again so I made this! Again, please share any facts you know about Rome with others in the comments!

Friday 6 March 2020

New York City Facts

Here are some New York City Facts! Please tell me some things that you know in the comments.

Paris Facts

Today I had some free time so I made a poster with some facts about Paris! Please tell me in the comments what I could improve on and maybe some other facts.

Friday 28 February 2020

Week 4 Term 1 2020 Weekly Reflection

One thing I have enjoyed about school this week is playing Kahoots.
One thing I am looking forward to is going to Australia.
I learn best when it is cool and quiet.
I think I work well with Leah and Bree.
Something I would like to learn is how to be a better student at OC.
Next week I would like to work on finishing my tests.

Friday 21 February 2020

Olivia's 2020 Blog Profile

Kia ora everyone.

My name is Olivia, and I am the author behind this blog!

My favourite subject is Art, specifically drawing and sketching. I go to Otaki College, and I love maths. I adore travelling, and have been to 3 places so far. I don’t plan on stopping. I like swimming, writing and Kayaking. I am 11 years old.